Laerskool Charlo


CHarlo Primary School


Senior Boys B

DateOpponentsResultPoints ForPoints
Man of the Match
14 February 2023St Dominics PrioryLost821Noah Gerber
21 February 2023St Joseph'sLost336Viljee Steyn
7 March 2023Herbert HurdWon1716Avuyile Mbotshelwa
14 March 2023Victoria Park GreyWon1911Noah Gerber, Mari-Lo Aylward
6 February 2024Bluewater BayLost233Jody Douglas
13 February 2024Victoria Park GreyLost812Lihan van der Merwe
27 February 2024WesteringLost234Lihan van der Merwe
5 March 2024Newton ParkLost234Rynhard Neethling

visit Us

Charlo Primary School
Miles Road
Charlo, Port Elizabeth


contact us

   +27 41 367 1172



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